Happy end of the month. Once more I am making it quick this week.
Current word count on Desert Home revision is: 13435. I have almost doubled the length of the story. I have 1565 words to go to meet my 15,000 word goal for Camp NaNoWriMo. I’ve run into one little snag. I think I’m actually done with all the major revisions on Desert Home. Yay! But ummm… so… Hmmm. I guess I will count any words I write today as part of the count in order to reach the goal?
I have officially moved the release deadline for Desert Home to September 15th. Now that all the major revisions are done, I have editing and polishing to do. I still have to finalize the cover and format. I should be able to make this deadline.
This week I’ve been busy doing a reset for the new month. Getting my budget ready, cleaning, making some goals. Also, because it’s the end of the month, my day job has been really busy, too. I haven’t been getting as much done with my writing as I want, but I’ve been productive in other areas, so I can’t complain.
This is one of those times when I really don’t feel like writing. I’m not sure what to write. It’s taking me ten times as long as it should to get this check in done.
There are days when I just don’t want to write. It’s like pulling teeth. I feel like I’m wasting time because the words are always horrible. But I’ve learned that even if they take major revision later, at least I’m getting the base down on paper. It is still progress. According to several writing craft books I’ve read, pushing through those moments and not waiting to write only when inspiration hits is the difference between an amateur and a professional. So, that’s good. I thought I would write about this because I know it’s a pretty common thing that most writers talk about and well, it gives me something write about right now when I’m at a loss for words.
I’m going to end this now because frankly it’s a little painful.
I hope everyone is well.